Welcome to Laser Science Laboratory

In this laboratory, we are developing new technologies for precise measurement and control of light waves oscillating at a frequency of several hundred terahertz. We are aiming to create a major breakthrough by applying our laser technologies in various scientific and industrial fields. We are also working on commercializing the lasers produced in our laboratory in cooperation with some companies.

About us

Laser Science Laboratory is a new laboratory started in April 2019. We have knowledge and technology to design and build lasers with top-class performance in the world. For example, we have developed a laser which generates the world shortest 7 femtosecond infrared light pulses, and a high-performance ultrafast fiber laser which uses a fluoride fiber as a laser medium.

We also have a unique technology which allows us to directly measure light waves oscillating with a period of several femtoseconds. In addition, we are conducting joint research projects with life science laboratories and companies.
